Plan for Soho Policy Aspirations - public survey results are announced!

Earlier this summer, 540 people completed our public survey providing feedback on our draft Policy Aspirations, the top line ideas that outline the overarching aims and vision for more detailed policies on Soho's environment, housing, culture, commerce and heritage. The Policy Aspirations focus on the issues most important to Soho's residents, businesses, workers and visitors following our public consultation survey in 2016.Please click here to download a copy of the survey summary.Particular thanks are due to Michael Case, who designed the survey and produced the report; to all the Steering Group members and volunteers who helped to distribute information material around Soho; to the House of St Barnabas, and particularly their reception staff, who were very helpful in providing a base for any hard copies to be collected and returned in addition to storage for and access to our equipment and to Comm Comm who helped design promotional flyers. 



From Working Groups to Policy Development Teams


London's Global Neighbourhood: food for thought