London's Global Neighbourhood: food for thought

Centre for London, a think tank dedicated to finding solutions to the challenges facing London today, has published a collection of essays focused on the West End.To quote: 'The West End is the jewel in the crown of a great world city, but the district's very success brings with it huge issues. This collection of essays explore some of the challenges facing the district, and sets out ideas on how to address them.'While there are not as many detailed mentions of Soho as might be expected, many of the issues raised naturally have a direct relevance to the area. Just as important is the insight into the approach of some of the movers and shakers who want to influence what goes on here. As such, it is essential reading for our Forum policy development teams.There is a slightly odd reference to the Neighbourhood Forum (p59), given that we've only been going for a year, but the comment that precedes it is spot on - 'Much of the survival of the West End’s urban form and character is thanks to the achievements of grassroots organisations' - and we certainly want to play our part in the future.For more details and to download London's global neighbourhood - the future of the West End, click here


Plan for Soho Policy Aspirations - public survey results are announced!


Facts and Figures Day