Improving Soho's environment

Anna Boyle writes:Over the course of our monthly Environment working group meetings, we have all learned a great deal about the environment in Soho.Feedback has come from representatives that many aspects could be improved. We've heard of the council's plans around these topics and about general changes to Soho.We are trying to think about how to future proof improvements in these areas, although this is very difficult to do.Areas chosen for further attention are:

  • Air Quality
  • Greening
  • Recycling
  • Sound Levels

We are exploring what local projects to deal with these concerns could be funded by theCommunity Infrastructure Levy.We are investigating having local air quality sensors; creating quiet green points where people and wildlife can shelter from the busy areas; getting food waste from Soho restaurants to a local anaerobic digester; and whether more appropriate background noise levels should be used by Environmental Health officers as their standard when considering noise impacts.


Tonight's the night!


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