Homes for Soho

David Morrow writes:Walk down any street in Soho and you will come across three types of people, those who live here, those who work here and those visiting the area, although these three groups are not mutually exclusive by any means.The Living in Soho working group speaks for those who live here currently and those who would like to in the future.  It provides an opportunity for people to get involved in helping to set out what the future for residential accommodation looks like for Soho.We have been discussing the mix of properties available in Soho, in terms of size and quality, but also in terms of affordability.If you would like to help influence the future of living in Soho, please join this group and contribute to our discussion.Next meeting: Wednesday 15 June, 6.30pm, Soho Housing, 120 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0JR Picture shows the Soho housing mix: Ingestre Court (City West Homes), traditional private flats in Ingestre Place and the new Trenchard House development with 65 flats for intermediate rent (Dolphin Living) and 13 luxury apartments.


Steering Group election reminder


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