Cake and commerce

Lucy Haine writes:The Commercial Working Group meets at 5.30pm on the 3rd Monday of every month in the Soho Estates Boardroom, 12-13 Greek Street. The group is a strident and eclectic mix, comprised of business owners, residents, Soho visitors and the odd developer! Marina very kindly bakes cakes for our meetings [Ed: worth attending for that alone!]We are focused on identifying the key planning issues connected with Soho's day & night time economy. Points we raised in the survey include: How can we protect Soho as a hub for the creative industry, in the same way that tailoring is protected in Savile Row through a special policy area?  How can we encourage or protect the night time economy in the light of licensing restrictions? And can we launch a Soho discount card to encourage more empathy between residents and businesses?Our next meeting is on 20 June and we have invited a rep from Save Soho to come and talk to us about their campaign and explore commonalities. You are welcome to join us and get involved.


Homes for Soho


Steering Group: notice of election