Updates about the Plan

Various milestones for our plan and those it relates to are here at last. We agreed with Westminster City Council a Statement of Common Ground on the draft Soho Neighbourhood Plan for the Independent Examiner to consider and decide on.

The Independent Examiner has now issued her draft report agreeing the final modifications to be made and recommending that the Plan proceeds to referendums. She has asked that her draft report is fact checked by us and WCC to ensure there are no errors of fact and it will then be issued. Westminster will consider this report over a maximum five week period and come to a decision as to whether the Plan can move to the referendum stage. If so, WCC will organise two referendums for residents and for businesses to ask if, by simple majority, both of these constituencies want the Plan to come into force.

The Forum hopes The Plan will be a real boost for Soho as it starts to open up again as government restrictions are removed and help to build a long term vision for the areas future..In addition the Westminster City Plan was accepted by the planning inspectorate on 19th March and now is a material consideration in planning applications.

It is expected will be formally adopted by the Council on 12th May. Finally the London Plan was cleared for publication by MHCLG and is available at this link.  https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/the_london_plan_2021.pdf


Invitation to Public Meeting at St Anne's Church, 55 Dean Street at 6pm - Tuesday 13th July 2021
