Plan for Soho draft Plan update

Across the past years Plan for Soho has developed policies for the Soho Neighbourhood Plan, engaging with the local community and building the evidence for the policies.We are happy to share our draft Plan, which is still in development. First Full Draft Rev4 26.7.18 This plan has been supported by wide local surveys, in addition to supported by reports, evidence and community consultation.All neighbourhood plans must align with wider plans and for Soho’s Neighbourhood Plan it will align with the London City Plan and our local authority, Westminster’s City Plan. Westminster’s City Plan is currently undergoing revision and the original timetable for the production of this revised local plan has considerably altered and has meant our draft plan work plan has needed to follow suit.We anticipate this Plan will undergo revision in the light of Westminster City Council’s (WCC) new draft local plan, which will be published later this year. Once we have seen WCC’s revised proposals we will produce a second full draft of the plan and hold further public consultation on it. We hope we can then submit it to Westminster for the statutory formal six weeks consultation period and that we will get it to independent examination in 2019.Once the inspector has reported on it, it will be for WCC to hold referendums of residents and businesses, which will ask them to vote in favour by a simple majority of those voting so that the plan can be put into effect. 


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