The London Plan and Neighbourhood Planning

The new London Plan is out for consultation till 2 March you can comment on it here. Our friends at Neighbourhood Planners   are concerned about the way neighbourhood planning is featured in the draft London Plan out for consultation now. The London Plan is a significant document for neighbourhood planning and forms part of the unique three tier development plan system in London. All neighbourhood plans must be in “general conformity” with its policies in order to meet the Basic Conditions.Neighbourhood Planners say, "The draft London Plan says a lot about involving communities but makes very little mention of neighbourhood planning. It contains important policies on issues such as housing, design and town centres which neighbourhood plans could deliver locally. It backs good growth but doesn't yet grasp that this is as much about how decisions are taken as what is developed."They have prepared a report exploring and questioning the London Plan and the little focus on Neighbourhood Planning which is free to access.  


Neighbourhood Planning updates and the revised National Planning Policy Framework


London and the Creative Industries Event: discussing the future of the creative industries