The Soho Society AGM Thursday 26 April 6pm followed by the West End Hustings from 7.30pm!

Our friends, The Soho Society, invite you to join them their Annual General Meeting on:Thursday 26th April 2018, 6pm, The Community Hall of St Anne's Church, 55 Dean Street, London W1D 6AF.The Soho Society is an amenity group that aims to protect the interests of residents and businesses and to enhance this very special London village. The Soho Society persuaded Westminster City Council to make Soho a Conservation Area - thus preventing the demolition and the consequent loss of the existing residential and business communities.

At the AGM there will be two new candidates standing for election to the exec board (Lucy Haine and Quentin Thompson) and four existing members who are standing for re-election - David Evans, David Gleeson, Margaret Bloomer and Lisa Sheehy.
Matthew Bennett, Chair of the Soho Society Planning Group will share updates to the planning mandate on hotels in addition to the usual reports from the Chair, planning and licensing and the Treasurer.
Campaigns for 2018 include:-
  • Protection of small independent retailers
  • Responding to the proposals on the pedestrianisation of Oxford Street and making our own proposals to WCC
  • Save the Soho Centre for Health and Care
  • Responding to the proposals for a 24-hour city
  • Campaigning against inappropriate developments in Soho

ALL ARE WELCOME!The AGM will be followed by an election hustings where you can come and question local candidates on issues you care about - this event is open to all eligible to vote on 3 May 2018.Two of Soho's (West End Ward's) existing councillors are not standing this time around,  therefore the Conservatives have two new faces - Tim Barnes and Hillary Su, as well as Jonathan Glanz, who is standing again. The Labour Party candidates are Pancho Lewis, Patrick Lilley and Caroline Savage. West End Ward also has three Liberal Democrats, Florian Chevoppe-Verdier, Sophie Taylor, and Alan Ravenscroft, a Green Party candidate, Minne Fry, and from the Campaign against the Pedestrianisation of Oxford Street, Ronald Whelan.


Save Curzon Soho!


London at Night - your feedback wanted!