Survey results on the way

Just under 1,000 people completed our survey during July and August, and the full results will be released soon.Participants in the Facts and Figures workshops on 28 September got an early glimpse of the details, and one main headline was the importance placed on protecting and promoting Soho's culture and heritage. This was the issue with the strongest support in all three groups surveyed, residents, workers and visitors.Look out for the full survey report, which will be available via this website soon.Particular thanks are due to Michael Case, who designed the survey and produced the report; to all the volunteers who helped to carry out the survey at our pop up stalls in the summer; to the House of St Barnabas, and particularly their reception staff, who were very helpful in providing storage for  and access to our equipment; to St Anne's, Soho Square Surgery and Marshall Street Leisure Centre for allowing us to place survey collection boxes there; and to Julie Anderson at Shaftesbury plc, who provided valuable help with data entry.


Facts and Figures Day


Soho Survey 2016: popping up near you