Get involved!

A Plan for Soho won't just happen! It will take a lot of hard work, and there are various ways you can play a part.

  1. Sign up as a member of the Forum, which you can do here. Members must live or work in Soho, but we also welcome input from others who have a passion for Soho, as Visitors.
  2. Give us feedback - either in response to specific surveys via emails to members or this website, or by sending us your own ideas and suggestions (click here).
  3. Join a working group. There are currently six groups looking at different aspects of Soho in order to come up with positive policies for the future. Get in touch here to find out more.
  4. Join the Forum Steering Group. This guides the work of the Forum, and needs people with a range of admin skills, such as communications and finance, as well as those with an understanding of planing policy. The Steering Group is elected at the Annual General Meeting, due next in July 2016, and further details will be available soon.



What's on?


We're working on it!