Invitation for Steering Group nominations.

Nominations are invited for the Forum Steering Group, which will be elected at the Inaugural Meeting on Wednesday 8 July.The deadline for nominations is 12 noon on Tuesday 30 June.The role of the Steering Group is to facilitate the work of the Forum, and it is accountable to members at the Annual General Meeting. Working Groups, to which any member can belong, will be the main vehicle for developing policies which could form part of a Neighbourhood Plan. However, the Steering Group has an important part to play in overseeing this and it is responsible for the formal arrangements needed to carry out the Forum's activities. Members are expected to play an active role.The Steering Group will have a Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, who will be elected by members of the Steering Group at its first meeting. In addition, the Steering Group will need skills in areas such as publicity as well as knowledge of planning issues. Some members will act as a link with the individual Working Groups.There are 8 steering group places for members from the residential community and 8 for places for members from the business community. Among the business members there should be 3 from small/medium sized businesses (SMEs); 2 from larger businesses; 2 from land holding interests; and 1 from local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). Candidates should indicate which category they belong to.Any member of the Forum can nominate themselves.Email a brief statement (max 150 words) with a photo to:contact@planforsoho.orgThis will be published online and distributed to members.   If there are more candidates than places in any membership category there will be a short hustings and a vote at the Inaugural Meeting. 


Steering Group Nominees


Notice of the Inaugural Meeting of the Soho Neighbourhood Forum