Join us!

There is just one way to ensure you get an invitation to the first meeting of the Soho Neighborhood Forum on 8 July, sign up to the mailing list and let us know what kind of membership you want. If you live or work within the red line you are entitled to full membership and can also stand to be elected as a member of the steering group that helps keep things moving along. If you don't live or work in this area, you can sign up as a visitor and be kept informed of what is happening. Fill in the form today!1236427_1552816591614576_5615100039590497631_n1

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Forum membershipMember (must live and/or work in the neighbourhood area)Member interested in standing for election (must live and/or work in the neighbourhood area)Mailing list only (for visitors)



Notice of the Inaugural Meeting of the Soho Neighbourhood Forum


Updated: Save the date